by roger burnett | Apr 7, 2014 | event, news
We had a record number of members sign up for the draw this year – over 40 in total. I’ve emailed the lucky members and they will also have received an email from the LTA with information on how to pay – this email will have been sent to whichever...
by roger burnett | Apr 7, 2014 | news
Tournaments Handicap 28 April – 24 May Open 31 May – 12 July Closed 2 August – 13 September For those of you new to the club, the handicap is where you are drawn a partner and then the ‘handicap committee’ allocate you both a handicap...
by roger burnett | Apr 7, 2014 | news
Many thanks for your loyalty (or for joining!) over the last year. Recognising that we don’t yet have a replacement clubhouse, the AGM decided not to increase subscriptions this year. Therefore subscriptions remain at : Full adult playing: £180 Midweek, full playing...
by roger burnett | Mar 31, 2014 | news
Background / History The proposal is for a new clubhouse for the Camber Lawn Tennis Club, to be built on the site of the previous clubhouse which was destroyed by arson in March 2013. Camber LTC plays an active role in the local community and supports an extensive...
by roger burnett | Mar 17, 2014 | event, news, outing, tennis
The sign up sheet for our Wimbledon tickets is now up on the noticeboard outside the portacabin. You’ve got 3 weeks to sign up as I will be doing the draw over the weekend of 5/6 April. The big difference this year is that you do not have to pay for the...