by roger burnett | Nov 29, 2013 | event, news, tennis
An update on courts 1 and 2: we expect the current phase of work finally to be completed by next Thursday 5th December (but only if it stays dry between now and then), so for most people the first chance to experience them will be clubplay on Thursday 5th or December...
by roger burnett | Nov 29, 2013 | event, outing
Two dates for your pre-Christmas diary: 5 December for a ladies-only social evening – venue to be decided but “there will be dancing”.The main club Christmas night out will be on Friday 20 Decembersomewhere local – again please keep it free and more details will be...
by roger burnett | Nov 5, 2013 | bang, event
Just to whet the appetite, an opportunity to hear the Lewisham Concert Band… Listen to Lewisham Concert Band (via Dropbox where you can download and listen to the mp3 files) [youtube...
by roger burnett | Oct 25, 2013 | bang, event
8th November 2013 Live performance by the Lewisham Concert Band from 7.30 to coincide with the lighting of the bonfire. This will conclude at 8pm with the fireworks accompanied by Handel’s music for fireworks, and Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture finale....
by roger burnett | Jul 10, 2013 | event, tennis, tournament
Programme for the biggest event in the Camber centenary calendar – don’t forget to buy your ticket now to avoid missing out! 9am – Play starts on courts 1, 2 & 3 1.30pm – Deadline for entry to the Camber Bake Off 2pm – Bake off judging commences. Judged by Sandra...