by roger burnett | Jun 1, 2013 | event, open, tennis, tournament
The draws for the men’s and ladies’ singles are available to download here. Results will be posted on the site after each round, so keep checking back and you can also follow us on Twitter (@camberltc) for updates. Don’t forget to put Saturday 13...
by roger burnett | May 30, 2013 | event
Please see the tournament details below. The draw is being carried out this Friday 31 May so you must either sign up on the sheets in the hut or email before Friday if you would like to play. Entries for the Camber Open Tournament are...
by roger burnett | May 30, 2013 | event
Please see the tournament details below. The draw is being carried out this Friday 31 May so you must either sign up on the sheets in the hut or email before Friday if you would like to play. Entries for the Camber Open Tournament are...
by roger burnett | May 29, 2013 | event, outing, trip
A final reminder that this Saturday sees the Camber day out to the Epsom Derby – one of the highlights of the British sporting calendar. Weather forecast says 19 degrees and sunny, so looking promising. If anyone who has not yet responded is interested, please email...
by roger burnett | May 29, 2013 | event, outing, trip
A final reminder that this Saturday sees the Camber day out to the Epsom Derby – one of the highlights of the British sporting calendar. Weather forecast says 19 degrees and sunny, so looking promising. If anyone who has not yet responded is interested, please email...